Are you uninterested in giving your heart and soul to a prospect only to hear those deal-killing words, \"is this one of those pyramid scams?\" Do you find yourself regularly defending the network marketing concept? Are you nervous to approach family, mates, work mates and executives because you\'re terrified they will somehow think less of you for getting sucked into \"one of those deals??\" You\'re not on your own. Because almost everyone on planet earth has either took part in network marketing at some time in their lives or knows someone who has. So most people have formed an opinion about the industry and, usuaully, it is reasonably opposite to seeing a \"brilliant compensation\" distribution model. So the knee-jerk reply has a tendency to be, \"No thanks, those things never work...\" Or if the individual is completely ignorant you may even hear, \"Isn\'t that illegal?\" But wouldn\'t it be great if you never had to hear those frustrating \"pyramid scheme\" type beef ever again? Do you think you might really share the chance with more folk? Do you believe building the business could be just that much more pleasurable and painfree? Of course. Brilliant Compensation - MLM Explained Tim Sales is not only a Persian Gulf vet, he\'s a well-seasoned social marketing veteran who has earned millions of greenbacks building a team of over 56,000 active distributors world wide. Even more electrifying, he built a team of 26,000 working part-time at the same time he was serving overseas. Early in his career, Tim became extraordinarily proficient at conquering these hard beef. But most of the new distributors on his team where having challenges. So he produced a DVD and titled it \"Brilliant Compensation\". In the video, Tim and Harvard educated marketing teacher Dr . Charles King, present a logical, direct to the point discussion about the internet marketing distribution model. They struggle to reply to the question , \"What is network marketing?\" They outline the facts about the industry and the key benefits. And because they are not \"pitching a chance\" the presentation is totally universal and equitable. So that the concept is to have your prospects review the Brilliant Compensation DVD BEFORE you present your actual business venture. This works because it is a third party tutorial tool which will regularly assist in eliminating any fake impressions about the industry and guide them into being able to make a correct and sensible decision based totally on facts vs misconception. Brilliant Compensation Online You can also subscribe to share the Brilliant Compensation show with prospects on the internet. Instantly. With the click of their mouse. Here is how you and your team might use this particular tool. You find a prospect who has voiced an interest in starting their own business. Then after you qualify them with regard to their level of solemnness and financial ability to really afford to start, you guide them to go watch the Brilliant Compensation overview. This educates them on the industry and helps eliminate any of those nasty beef that have a tendency to get in the way. Once the prospect has observed the presentation, you follow up and ask them what they liked best about what they have learned. Then you share your really business venture, follow up again and collect a decision. Now it is important to notice \"Brilliant Compensation\" is not a lead generating, prospecting tool. It\'s a tool you use to help qualify the prospects your promotional efforts have produced. So it is not a turnkey solution. It is simply a tool to help produce better results once you have found prospects to work with. Main Brilliant Compensation Benefits Tim Sales \' Brilliant Compensation DVD helps answer and clarifies the query, \"What is network marketing?\" It also educates and, in the procedure, mechanically eliminates most objections that commonly come up. This decreases the potential for refusal and increases the capability for team duplication. It is a great program. Click to discover more.